I told my son “Judah you are a scientist!”
“I can’t be a scientist, I don’t have a coat!”👩🔬
You see Judah was excited about one of his first days of school and was sharing about his classes.
He started talking about science class. 🧫
I said, “you are a scientist because you do experiments all the time.”
“Oh yeah, I do experiments!” 🧪
My encouragement to you on today’s video is to have the attitude of a kid.
You see our kids love asking questions.❓
They are uber curious.
They are scientists in the making.
Trying new things, not worried about the results!
Not held back by fear of failure! 😨
For those of you looking to move on to your next big thing.
To achieve your dreams…to make your vision a reality.
Have the mindset of a scientist. 🧬
And the great thing is: you don’t need a lab coat and a beaker to get started.
Comment on how you use the magic of scientific thinking in your life.

It's so inspiring! I focus on curiosity and on what I'll become after my experiences. I'm not afraid of what I'll go through. I care more about of who I'll become after having those experiences.